Pool Safety
Owls Nest Instructional Swim
All Owls Nest campers will participate in instructional swim lessons for one half hour each morning. Lessons are taught by Red Cross certified Water Safety Instructors and/or certified Lifeguards. Group counselors assist in the water during instructional swim. We use the Red Cross Preschool Aquatics Program. Campers are evaluated and placed in an appropriate swim group level. Your child will be taught water adjustment, swimming skills, and water safety skills in a safe, nurturing atmosphere of play, with guidance, encouragement, and support. Various floatation devices are used to build endurance, skill and confidence. All campers must participate in instructional swim, but no camper will be forced to try a skill he/she may not be emotionally or physically ready for. A progress report will be sent home at the end of the camper’s time at camp. There is no set timetable to “pass” a level. Preschoolers develop skills, confidence and safety awareness based on many factors.
Checklist for Levels 1-3
Owls Nest Free Swim
Free swim is an unstructured time for the children to practice skills and have fun with campmates and counselors. While all campers will dress for swimming and come to the pool with their group, a camper may choose not to swim during free swim.
Contact the Owls Nest Pool
If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact Janine Schultze, Owls Nest Pool Head. Please call the Owls Nest office at (781)-320-7036 and leave a message with a callback number.
Big Camp Swim Program
Certified swimming instruction is provided daily to groups entering 1st – 6th grade (1s – Juniors). Campers swim twice per day, in the morning and in the afternoon. One swim period is instructional and the other is for free swim.
Campers in 1st through 6th grade receive American Red Cross swimming instruction. To determine their swimming ability, campers are tested and placed in the appropriate level (Level 1 – 6) based on their ability.
We offer our campers entering 1st and 2nd grades the option of a 9 am –2 pm schedule. Campers who pick this schedule may not have a free swim block and will miss an afternoon activity.
Instructional swim is not provided for the Seniors, Eights and Nines. When they are not traveling and on campus, they will follow a typical camp schedule. They can choose from a variety of activities and will have a block of free swim time.
- The 1s swim at the U-Pool during free swim. Campers in ARC Level 2 or higher may swim under the rope and in the 4½ feet. This section is called the “deep end” of the U-Pool. Each camper receives a BLUE bracelet to indicate they are allowed to swim under the rope.
- Once a week, each section swims at the L-Pool during free swim. Campers in ARC Level 3 or higher may swim in the 9 foot end of the pool. This section is called the “deep end” of the L-Pool. Each camper receives a GREEN bracelet to indicate they are allowed to swim in the 9 foot end. During this time, they are swimming with the 8s and 9s and we are very careful and closely monitor the 1s.
2s & 3s
- Once a week, each section swims at the L-Pool during free swim. Campers in ARC Level 3 or higher may swim in the 9 foot end. This section is called the “deep end” of the L-Pool. Each camper receives a GREEN bracelet to indicate they are allowed to swim in the 9 foot end.
4s, 5s, Jrs, Srs, 8s & 9s
- All campers are allowed to swim in all sections of both the L-Pool and Lap Pool.
Big Camp Instructional Swim
Campers who are in the 1s (entering 1st grade) through Juniors (entering 6th grade) will participate in instructional swim lessons for one half hour each morning. Lessons are taught by Red Cross certified Water Safety Instructors and/or certified Lifeguards. We use the Red Cross Preschool Aquatics Program. Various floatation devices are used as needed to aid proper kick and arm stroke development. Your child will be taught swimming skills and water safety skills at his/her individual level with guidance, encouragement and support. All campers must participate in instructional swim, but no camper will be forced to try a skill he/she may not be emotionally or physically ready for.
Checklist for Levels 1-6
Big Camp Free Swim
Campers who stay until 4:00 will have free swim in the afternoon. While all campers will dress for swimming and come to the pool with their group, a camper may choose not to swim during free swim. Free swim is an unstructured time for the children to practice skills and have fun with campmates and counselors.
Big Camp Pools
Contact Big Camp Swim
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact Terri Cojohn, NDC Pool Head, via the Nobles Day Camp office:
HOURS: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm, Monday – Friday
SUMMER HOURS: 7:00 am – 6:00 pm, Monday – Friday
PHONE: 781-320-1320 FAX: 877-325-8736
E-MAIL: camp@nobles.edu
CAMP DIRECTOR: Beth Johns-Thomas (beth_johnsthomas@nobles.edu) 781-320-7031
ASSISTANT DIRECTOR: Gary Ross (gary_ross@nobles.edu) 781-320-7032
ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT: Colleen Collins (colleen_collins@nobles.edu) 781-320-7033