Pre-K and Kindergarten campers are placed in the Owls Nest, an exciting and engaging introduction to camp, providing a wide range of creative activities in a safe and nurturing environment. The varied activities are designed to encourage a camper’s social, artistic, and physical development in a fun and exciting way keeping them engaged throughout the day.
Owls Nest campers are placed in age-appropriate groups known as nests. Each nest has 10-15 campers, a counselor/camper ratio of 1:4. Campers are grouped by the year they will enter Kindergarten and with awareness of their social, emotional, and developmental stage.
All campers must be toilet trained prior to the start of camp.
Meet our Nobles Day Camp Owls Counselors
Meet our Nobles Day Camp Owls Activity Staff
- Our youngest campers must be FOUR by August 31, 2025, are placed in our Owls Pre-K Program.
- Campers starting Kindergarten in the fall of 2025 are placed in our Owls K Program.
The Owls Nest program offers two options: 9:00 am – 2:00 pm or 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.
Campers who attend 9:00 am – 2:00 pm have an option to Stay and Play. For an additional fee, campers may stay in their nest on a daily or weekly basis until 4:00 pm. Campers who Stay and Play will remain in their nest with their counselors and friends and follow the regular afternoon schedule.
You can select the days you want, but Stay and Play requires registration. You may sign up for Stay and Play while registering your camper or at a later date by calling or emailing the camp office.
Owls Nest campers will rotate through the following activities: Archery*, Arts and Crafts, Gymnastics, Pool, Sports, STEM, Tennis*, Tool Time, and Wiggles and Giggles. (*Only offered to Owls entering Kindergarten)
This sample schedule gives an idea of what our campers entering Kindergarten might experience in a week at Nobles Day Camp. Schedules for campers entering K1 are similar.